Interview: Digital Entrepreneurship

action labs entrevista empreendedorismo digital

The sector is expected to grow more and more

Lately, startups have been growing and there has been an expressive increase in new ideas as a consequence. In an interview to Perspectiva ISAE, the expert, Paulo Renato Oliveira, approached these questions and also talked a little about entrepreneurship.

Digital Entrepreneurship

Following the worldwide well-established financing models, the Brazilian technology market has now become a target of the so-called Angels. They are investors who are willing to put their money in startups which have great potential of acceptance and revenue generation. This is not exactly a new movement, but it may become even more popular in Brazil.

Startup Incubator and Accelerator

Investors can participate in startups in several ways. From financing the initial operations and structuring the company to strategic mentoring, composition of products and revenue generation. Depending on which phase investors get into the business, they can become an incubator that helps the first conceptions and opening of the company, or become an accelerator, which gives a company that already has a finished product conditions to gain scale and make operations more specialized.

How to become a digital entrepreneur

An entrepreneur is always a trouble solver. In other words, a professional who has the ability to solve problems regarding the company on a daily basis. Ultimately, with good vision and sensibleness, an entrepreneur is able to solve customer problems. This might also be the focus of a digital entrepreneur.

Creating products or services that solve people’s problems, with the best value for money and the best experience possible for the consumer. Knowing ways of attracting investment is important, as well as knowing how tot use good marketing and sales strategies. But these are all tools that investors themselves can add to your business.

The true entrepreneur is the professional who is focused on the people who are going to use his products and is attentive to these people’s desires and needs.

Do you want to know more about the design of a proof of concept and about using it in your business? Get in contact with us or click the links bellow:

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