IBM Mock up Design
O que a IBM fez quando um teste de conceito apontou que a ideia estava à frente do seu tempo? A IBM é uma das
There's no point in finding an ideal technological solution for a problem that doesn't interest consumers. Similarly, having perfect execution for a product without a market is irrelevant. Validation at Action Labs is about discovering, above all, the right thing to do.
When you have an innovative, technological, disruptive idea that may seem technically challenging, the tendency is to start thinking about how to do it. What tools are necessary? How will it work? How much will it cost to produce?
Not here. First, we use super-agile strategies to assess if there is a market. And how much this market would be willing to pay for the solution. Because, as the saying goes, if there's a market, there's a way..
Before trying to build things the right way, you must discover the right thing to build. With a set of strategies, our team can discover and confirm, in a few weeks, if there is a truly interested audience ready to embrace this idea. If there's an audience, there are ways to make the idea viable. And that's something we guarantee.
O que a IBM fez quando um teste de conceito apontou que a ideia estava à frente do seu tempo? A IBM é uma das
˜Como é que as empresas podem tirar partido do pretotyping para acelerar a inovação˜ – Esse foi o tema da coluna de opinião do CEO
Do pretótipo ao protótipo, como testar uma inovação. Na década de 1990 havia uma corrida tecnológica por Assistentes Digitais Pessoais (PDA) – que resultou nos
Voe Tranquilo is a project to solve various customer issues with airlines through online compensation requests. A platform developed and delivered within 30 days.
Bright Cities is a revolutionary platform for mapping the diagnosis of your city, with the aim of making it smarter every day. An efficient resource for public administrators and suppliers worldwide.
Project Live is a platform for Project Leaders to share their challenges with market experts. It's a powerful management tool with greater change capacity, better response time, and a responsive project team.
Mobnex is a platform that supports mobilization, campaign logistics, engagement and fundraising in a broad way, enhancing the performance and increasing the chances of victory for an entire party or coalition, in each of the campaigns.