ConectCar is an electronic payment company that operates in the opening of toll gates and parking lots.
Bright Cities is a revolutionary platform for mapping your city's diagnosis, with the objective of making it smarter every day. A powerful resource for Public Administrator and Suppliers all over the world. The launch took place in Barcelona, Spain, where mover 18,000 people from 120 countries attended the largest global event on the topic of Smart Cities: o Smart City Expo World Congress.
In this project, Action Labs conceived a product that corresponded to Bright Consulting's expectation of delivering more than urban indicators. With a date and time set for the launch, the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, in addition to designing the digital solution, we developed the technology, the visual identity and the stand for the event.
Find out now by visiting the Bright Cities website.
Action Labs' conception, design and development teams created a tool designed to make cities smarter every day.
With urban planning and management, indicators are used to respond to society's social and economic needs.
The unique methodology is based on hundreds of indicators recognized by international bodies such as the UN, ISO and WCCD.
Together they help recommend strategies, solutions, and providers that best fit the strengths and weaknesses of cities.
The collected data, plus the information that the manager registers on the platform, are analyzed and place the cities in a ranking.
It's possible to see the level of development compared to other locations, in 10 aspects:
Bright Cities also brings suggestions for actions and what possible results the applications can bring. It's a roadmap to make cities smarter.
ConectCar is an electronic payment company that operates in the opening of toll gates and parking lots.
In addition to the new look, check out all the features of the Rede Massa Portal, developed by Action Labs.
A partnership to inspire people to live in a different way, understanding their goals, limits and wishes of each user.