Ideation processes and creativity


Believe it or not, researches indicate that Brainstorming is a creativity killer.

Brainstorming has been getting more and more rational throughout time due to the goal of optimizing the necessary time for this activity. And this preparation and pressure, which should be a good way of saving time, has ended up limiting creativity.

For a good Brainstorm, we recommend that ideas are not discussed in depth, but just created. The next step will be organizing them and going through them more deeply. We are searching for quantity with the intent of stumbling upon the best solution to our problem.

The key is to have the whole team committed to help, and not just to be in the spotlight. For that to happen, the environment must be comfortable and healthy.

Let’s review it?

Gather information before beginning the task and present it to the group. This will keep their minds focused and stimulated. The sooner the first results appear, the faster interactivity will be over the insights. This usually happens individually first and then collectively.

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