The importance of maximizing results in innovation management

Maximizing results is directly linked to the capacity of a company to improve its own performance, using existing resources. This process involves increasing productivity and a good innovation management strategy.

However, in order for that to be possible, it is necessary to make a more precise decision and also to have a good understanding about the target public. In this scenario, it is up to the manager to use good management tools which can extract the best of team and of the data the company produces.

In this post, we are going to explore how innovation management can effectively contribute to maximizing results. Check it out!

Why is innovation management so important for maximizing results?

The business world is very dynamic and, as the digital transformation takes place, the speed at which new tools appear makes it necessary for managers to get more and more proactive. More technologies contribute to maximizing results and competitiveness increases as well as challenges.

Thus, for a company to be ahead in the market, it needs to find new ways to engage the target public and, at the same time, increase its productive capacity. This requires a greater chemistry of the team, valuing feedback and the exchange of ideas. The purpose is to get the greatest number of insights possible so that you can discover new forms of adding differential advantages to your products and services, finding gaps in the market through predictive analysis.

Besides generating innovation, these attitudes place your brand at a higher level, because you can deliver something new and which perfectly fits a market demand. And this happens without the need for spending so much resources, in other words, with a greater potential for investment in innovation.

What are the main tools that contribute to maximizing results?

Power BI

Power BI is a tool that gathers three of the main technology trends of this generation: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Cloud Computing. This tool allows managers to transform data in multiple sources of insights which can contribute to making much more intelligent decisions. The user of this tool can make correlations of simple electronic spreadsheets and even the most complex applications in the market.

Design Thinking

Design Thinking is intended for innovation with a focus on the user, aiming at identifying the desires of customers and transforming information into ideas which are profitable for the business. With this innovation tool, the company can broaden its knowledge of its target public, which allows it to develop products and services that nobody else has seen the potential of.

In order to apply this method it is necessary to map all the user’s contexts, experiences and culture. The goal here is to have a complete view of the main problems this public needs to solve.

GTD – Getting Things Done

GTD is aimed at increasing the productivity of the team, focusing on 5 steps in order to get things done.

  1. Capture — capture all ideas and tasks, putting them on paper or in a text editor or app. The goal is to go beyond the field of ideas and towards a more tangible situation.
  2. Clarify — now you must analyze the captured ideas and define what demands actions and what can be discarded or postponed.
  3. Organize — after screening the ideas which must be put into action, now it is time to organize them so that everything is completed within the deadline.
  4. Reflect — here the goal is to review everything in order to make sure nothing goes overlooked. At this point, you must update information if necessary.
  5. Engage — the goal here is to focus on what you are doing, without worrying about future tasks, and knowing that what you are not doing is under control, because you organized deadlines yourself.

In this post, we explored the importance of maximizing results when managing innovation, and how that can be attained with subtle changes in your way of working. This will only be possible if you really use the tools and methods which enhance the productive capacity of your team.

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