What is a buyer persona and why is it important?

The digital transformation brought up tools that offer us a way to analyze and segment content, which allows us to better personalize it. In this scenario, the target public became a too broad sample; it was then necessary to optimize, segment and define this public. Thus, the buyer persona came to existence.

The concept was developed by Allan Cooper, a programmer and designer that is an expert in UX. The buyer persona is a semi-fictional character who has some of the characteristics of the real buyer, such as name, marital status, profession and field of action, desires, problems faced on a daily basis, life goals and everything else that is necessary for understanding him.

In this post, we will help you understand the importance of a buyer persona for the development of a product and for customer experience. Keep reading and check it out!

It allows you to understand the customers’ pain points

In order for you to deliver what your customer needs and at the time he most needs it, it is necessary to first understand his pain points. In this sense, defining a buyer persona makes it much easier to comprehending what this potential customer longs for, his preferences, desires, goals.

This is possible because the buyer persona is created based on researches – which can be carried in person, with interviews and forms – or data and behavior analysis. With this information at your disposal, your projects and strategies will surely follow much more solid steps.

It reinforces the authority of your brand

In order to be unique, your company needs to become a reference in the field in which it is inserted. In other words, it is important for your company to be positioned as an authority in the segment – and the creation of a buyer persona will help you a lot towards this goal.

Thanks to the buyer persona, the company will be able to understand what is essential for this potential consumer to close a deal. Knowing what this persona values the most makes it possible to respond to him with relevance and quality, thus standing out in the market.

It allows you to identify the best communication channels

As it has already been said, speaking directly to your customer requires knowing his habits – and that includes understanding what are his usual means of communication. Thereby, communication will be smoother and it will be easier to target your marketing and advertising campaigns.

For this purpose, when defining your buyer persona, identify which channels she uses for interacting: social media, e-mail, telephone, etc. Also, try to understand her habits with regards to consuming content so as to come up with a strategy to attract her more efficiently, using blogposts, for example.

It helps you create content

One of the great mistakes that some companies make is to create content based solely on what the managers think is relevant. The truth is that developing content, actions, products and services is something that must always be directed to the final customer.

People long for having their questions answered and their problems solved, but not in a generic way. Thus, elaborating a persona is the same as restricting your scope of action, so that you can be more effective and convey the answers your potential customer needs with quality and, above all, relevance.

So, have you understood the importance of creating a buyer persona within your strategies? Besides all the advantages herein explored, you will also be able to develop more personalized products and services once you comprehend your consumers’ behaviors. This will guarantee you innovation and a valuable competitive differential advantage.

Now that you got the concept, how about complementing this knowledge with an article about your customer journey to conversion?


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