How to use Machine Learning in agile projects

A technology developed by Action Labs is used in the daily lives of employees

When you open Google and find news that are related to your interests and in accordance with your navigation habits, when the GPS recognizes your work place and residence by the time you spend in those places, when your smartphone tells you about an appointment without you having set it up to do so, these are all moments you are in contact with machine learning.

The term has been seen as futurist still, but it has been a reality for some time now in our daily lives. This technology has a lot of space to grow and change the way we relate to our daily activities. And the future will require a lot of adaptations, both in the law and in our culture, so that speed is not a barrier to innovation.

Here in Action Labs we believe that innovation needs to be fast. That is why we already have Machine Learning among our Labbers: our own homemade technology.

Digimark, an app with Machine learning

One of our examples is “Digimark”, our clock punch app. Based on the history of the employee, it can predict the time he will enter and leave the company, and inform the monthly time balance in advance. In the app, it is possible to see if, based on the routine, the hours worked that month will match the hours agreed upon or not, and this allows the parties to be able to plan in advance and avoid long accumulations and compensations.

One of the project's managers is Leonardo Andrade, iOS Development Labber. He studied about Machine Learning through a course offered by Stanford and now applies it and shares his knowledge with the rest of our team and customers.

Do you want to use Machine Learning in your project? Get in touch with us.


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