Product design: why is it important to keep the focus on the customer?

Product design has some basis and delivering a result which creates value to the customer is one of the fundamental ones. So, it is necessary to think about how this creation will serve the person who will use it: the consumer. Focusing on the customer will be what guides the development process, because the products must be functional, attractive and adaptable to the public.

Having a well-defined creative process will help the company reach this level. Some parameters may not be ignored in this process. When these parameters are considered in alignment with the knowledge of the customer, chances of delivering something that will be well-accepted increase a lot.

We will show you in this article how important it is to better understand the customer and how to have an efficient creation process. Check it out!

The importance of knowing the customer in product design

Focusing the product on the public is something fundamental, after all it is necessary for the creation of a product to fully serve its purpose with regards to the person buying it. When we consider design, there are some questions which become even more important in the process of creation. Besides design parameters, customers’ user experience must be one of the top priority factors.

No matter what the aesthetics and the conception of the product are, it needs to create a positive impact onto the consumer. This is achieved when the product is functional, easy to understand and when it creates the desire to consume it repeatedly. It is possible to better explain these and other points regarding the importance of knowing your customer well when designing a product.

Offering products with greater possibility of acceptance

Products which arrive in the market need to be accepted by the public, and this can be done in several ways. Naturally, design is one of the fundamental basis for the consumer to be able to adapt and, even before buying the product, evaluate it well.

If the creation team knows the customer, it is fully capable of understanding what the customer expects from that certain product. In addition to that, there are issues such as the aesthetics that pleases the most, the impact of design on its functionality and characteristics that catch the customer’s attention. If the target market profile is well known, chances are that this product will be well accepted.

Adapting the language to the functionality

A product also needs to communicate well with the customer, and this is not literal. When a product is viewed by those who buy it, it is key for consumers to have an immediately clear idea of its design proposal and also of how this product must be used.

Different publics will have different levels of understanding and, if the designer has a deeper knowledge of this customer, his work will be made much easier. The tendency is for this product to be compatible to its consumers and the communication between them to be clearer, in the sense that the use of this product will be more intuitive due to the fact that the design team knows really well who they are designing for.

Building customer loyalty

Product design is also responsible for creating in the customer the sensation that he is consuming something which is really innovative and valuable. If communication is clear, the item is functional, practical and solves the customer’s problem, it is natural for him to be satisfied and feel completely understood. This is a natural result but it is still very impressive and worthy.

However, work must be continuous in this sense. New technologies and consumer habits constantly change and, so, it is important to always be attentive to these and other factors which impact customers’ expectations. Getting to know your customer is something that never stops!

The essential steps for developing a product

Product design that is focused on the customer needs to be structured in an efficient way. It is possible to get the best results through research and customer detailing, and this will provide you with acceptance, sales and customer loyalty. Read about the steps that create this product development flow bellow!

Market research

First, it is important to understand market segmentation. This work starts by understanding what your competitors are delivering to customers as far as product and also how it is being perceived. Besides that, it is important to comprehend the main expectations the customer has regarding the product your company is about to develop.

Understanding the customer

Understanding the customer is a more complex point, because it involves many questions. From price to use, everything needs to be considered. Different groups have different routines, habits and practice, and all of this must be considered when you are developing a product. The deeper this knowledge, the more positive an impact your design will make on those using it.

Developing ideas

Once ideas are created, they must be developed through tests, debates and suppositions. This guarantees all proposals are analyzed though different points of view, all of them with distinct critical perspectives. An uncompromising and stringent analysis makes sure the customer feels satisfied.

Creating a Proof of Concept

Also known as PoC, Proof of Concept is the stage when ideas are transformed into something concrete which, in this case, is a prototype. The proposal is to study the idea’s viability and carry this primary manufacturing without making an impact on the company’s budget. With PoC, it is possible to validate the concept and understand if it can be well converted into a product.

Launching a product into the market

If everything is approved, now it is time to launch a new product into the market. For that to happen, good marketing strategies are indispensable and storytelling is one of them. The company can, from these actions, catch the customer’s attention and create the sensation of the need to consume. Good narratives are capable of proving to the customer that a certain product is able to solve his problem.

The importance of an expert’s help regarding Proof of Concept

Proof of Concept is a fundamental part of product design. This stage involves economy of resources and it also makes it possible for the outcome of the design to go into the market when it is ready to conquer the customer and be well-accepted. The best way to make a proof of concept is to rely on a specialized company to have it done for you.

This outsourcing helps you obtain a deeper and more technical analysis which will be done by professionals with a broad expertise in the market. In addition, an outside perspective is more transparent and free of any type of influence, which is key for getting good results.

Product design is a kind of work which needs to be focused onto the customer. This guarantees acceptance, suitability to the customer’s expectation and good results in sales.

Action Labs is a specialized company concerning Proof of Concept and it can have a fundamental role in the creations of your company. So, get in contact with us and know more about our work!


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