Collaborative mobilization: get ready to hear a lot about that


The world has never been so connected

The increasing offer of “do it yourself” platforms, new technologies and the evolution of coworking, when analyzed from a futuristic perspective, show us a clear trend: collaboration.

Brazil has been recently discovering this form of mobilization and engagement, which is already a trend in the world. The great turning point was the North American election of 2008, which resulted in the victory of Barack Obama. In the elections of 2016, it had already become a trend and now, with an increase in political engagement, the time has come to public men adhere to it.

MobNex is a full collaborative mobilization platform created by Action Labs and it was designed to help develop and control mobilization campaigns. In Brazil, it is the first full platform in the market, with the concept of gamification and collaboration being so strong that it integrates a control panel of the campaign with an app and a website. The idea was conceived from experiences we shared with teams who carried Barack Obama’s campaign in the USA.

One of the differential advantages is the possibility of increasing the capacity of mobilization by means of the application, which has gamification strategies and connects the whole team to the campaign, assigning weekly action goals, sharing real time information and valuing the most active mobilizers. Highly connected campaigns are more agile and efficient. In times of great restrictions, both legal and budgetary ones, giving power to mobilizers means getting ahead. And it can mean ending up a winner.

Different possibilities of mobilization

Collaborative campaigns offer several advantages. For the candidate, this model of campaign permits a network kind of work and a faster mobilization. Everyone can participate by sharing contents, including new people, by giving ideas and by defending ideals. And this can be done in the long term. The sooner a network is mobilized, the more time there is to consolidate their causes. As far as the citizen is concerned, a collaborative campaign is the essence of democracy. More than an election, it represents political participation.

This is the right moment to search for this type of mobilization, which costs significantly less if compared to a traditional campaign and has a greater reach, capillarity and personalization at levels that are impossible to reach with other strategies. The collaborative election also helps us fight Fake News – one of the main challenges of this next election – because it helps people in your network oppose news that are not true.

The tool is available and it can be a great ally in small and medium campaigns. In 2018, it was used by candidates in several places in Brazil, from congressional to presidential candidates. It is time to think in advance, invest and search for more collaborative new ways of reaching your target public and create the necessary changes.


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