Design Sprint: understand what it is and how it works

Design Sprint is a method used to solve problems related to ideation, prototyping and idea testing with specifically selected users. It was developed in Google in order to align teams under a shared vision, with clearly defined goals and results.

It is an exclusive process that lasts five days for the validation of ideas and solution of challenges. And it is done through the creation of prototypes and testing of ideas with customers. In this article we will explore how Design Sprint works and also what advantages it can bring to your business.

How Design Sprint works

Basically, in five days, Design Sprint helps you:

  1. Understand — map out the problem and choose an important area to focus on.
  2. Sketch - sketch out solutions onto paper. — esboçar soluções concorrentes no papel.
  3. Decide — make decisions and turn ideas into something testable.
  4. Prototype — make a realistic prototype together.
  5. Validate — receive feedback from real users, live.

In other words, with a small team and a clear schedule for the week, you will quickly progress from one problem to the other.

On Monday, you create a map of the problem. On Tuesday, each individual sketches out solutions for it. Then, on Wednesday, you decide which sketches are stronger. On Thursday, you build a realistic prototype. And, finally, on Friday, you can test this prototype out with five target-customers.

What are the benefits of applying Design Sprint

In a practical way, here are some of the main advantages of applying Design Sprint in corporate projects.

Easily come up with ideas and test them quickly

Design Sprint makes it easy to build a “product” and test it in front of users. Everything is done within a week. This is a great use of time and money, something current businesses really need! After all, competitors are always getting more and more sophisticated and it is necessary to be fast and precise.

Find out failures in usability and problems

It is no longer possible to just find out that the user’s experience is not the best it can be once the product has already been launched and is being used. With the Design Sprint method, you can make everything run smoothly and do it quickly. Think about how this can add value to your product, as well as the brand itself.

Improve team alignment

Having all the interested parties work together, with the same goal and information, is also one of the advantages of Design Sprint.  

Engage users from the beginning

Design Sprint makes problems appear more quickly and in a more concrete manner. The method also has the power to make users feel part of the project and, therefore, collaborate more.

A gadget to orient development

After Design Sprint, the team has a fluid prototype that can be developed. In other words, they have a model to follow, what makes the development efforts be well measured and certain.

Save time and money

Using prototyping for being free of traditional restrictions regarding time and money for the construction of the product is the ace of this strategy. And this is perfectly viable when you apply Design Sprint. The result? You save time and money!

Creativity and innovation

Everything we have pointed out so far results from using the time restriction in order to boost creativity and make useful decisions quickly. It is this ambivalent environment which makes it possible for your team to run trials and correct failures, which is fundamental for innovation.

What types of business is Design Sprint suitable for?

As you have already noticed, Design Sprint is a great way for companies to boost their intellectual capacity. In five days, you can use a verified system to get real solutions and valuable feedback from users.

Design Sprint is commonly applied in startups, but it has been gaining space in consolidated companies that are willing to break with tradition – businesses which have already understood that it is necessary to keep doing different things.

Are you ready to apply Design Sprint onto your projects? If you want to see more posts like this one, follow us in social media: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.


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